Do philosophers poud in bed? Or do they invent there great ideas about the world outside, just before falling asleep, covered with stakes of books and papers?
Philosophy is pure thought. Clean, abstract, bodyless.
Beds, on the contrary, are very specific. Our journey into the world starts in a bed, and it mostly ends there when we die. We relax our tired bodies, hide, sleep and dream in the bed. Here, it seems, we are the most reduced to our physical existence. The bed is our most personal place.
The German artist Gloria Zein has put these two worlds, the bed and philosophy, in a relationship: For more than two years she has interviewed international philosophers about their thoughts around the bed – in order to dedicate an individual object to each of them. Ten “beds” representing this ongoing investigation can now be viewed at the Iranian Artists’ Forum, alongside drawings, photographs and texts. Her inventions range from the metaphorical to the poetic and humorous.
We would like to cordially invite you to the opening of
“philosophers’ beds/bedding philosophers”
Mirmiran Art Gallery at the Iranian Artists’ Forum
Sunday, March 9th 2008
17:00 to 20:30
The artist as well as Simon Farid O’Liai, Iranian philosopher participating in Zein’s project, will be present at the opening.
The exhibition will run until March 13th. Daily visiting hours 14:00 to 20:00.
Poster Designed by Amirali Ghasemi
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